MENUMHS Group Germany GmbH

MHS Group Germany

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Our used machines

Zubehör symbol image


Bohrwerke symbol image

Boring mills

CNC Drehmaschinen symbol image

CNC lathes

CNC Fräsmaschinen symbol image

CNC milling machines

Konventionelle Drehmaschinen symbol image

Conventional lathes

Konventionelle Fräsmaschinen symbol image

Conventional milling machines

Rundschleifmaschinen symbol image

Cylindrical grinding machines

Bohrmaschinen symbol image

Drilling machines

Erodiermaschinen symbol image

EDM machines

Gabelstapler symbol image


Verzahnungsmaschinen symbol image

Gear cutting machines

Schleifmaschinen symbol image

Grinding machines

Tafelscheren symbol image

Guillotine shears

Bearbeitungszentren symbol image

Machining centers

Sonstige Maschinen symbol image

Other machines

Sonstige Blechbearbeitungsmaschinen symbol image

Other sheet metal working machines

Abkantpressen symbol image

Press brake

Pressen hydraulisch symbol image

Presses hydraulic

Pressen mechanisch symbol image

Pressing mechanical

Radialbohrmaschinen symbol image

Radial drilling machines

Sägen symbol image


Flachschleifmaschinen symbol image

Surface grinding machines

MHS Group Germany GmbH - Our Company

We are known for our many years of experience in the selection and evaluation of a wide variety of machine tools and sheet metal working machines.

Our attractive pricing, good networking and uncomplicated and professional processing are important quality features for us. Through our own fleet of vehicles and through our own assemblers to dismantle the machines, we are flexible in the collection and shipment of the machine tools and sheet metal working machines. Therefore, we can guarantee a fast and uncomplicated processing.

International purchase and sale are part of our daily business and guarantee the largest possible selection of reliable and high quality machines for you. For our customers and prospective buyers, we create detailed data sheets with meaningful product photos, so that you can get a good overview of our offered machines as easily as possible.

Purchase of your used machine tools and sheet metal working machines

If desired, we also take over the complete disassembly and loading of the machines purchased from you.

In doing so, we are used to finding a targeted solution for any problems that may arise, in order to guarantee the best service for you and to be able to offer timely processing.

Please feel free to offer us your machines for sale! We will immediately provide you with an appropriate offer. All information for the purchase of machines can be found here:


If you have any further questions about our company or would like to make a general inquiry, please use our contact form.